Want More High Quality Leads? TRY THIS
Want More High Quality Leads?

Are you in search of high-quality leads, hoping to generate more business for your home building or remodeling company?

It can be difficult to know how to get started or understand the sometimes-confusing world of lead generation.

With so many tools out there – from advertising to SEO – it’s hard to know exactly where and how you should be investing your time and energy as a builder looking for clients.

In our latest series called “Lead Generation for Builders”, we will detail chronologically, how to set up, execute and manage a lead generation campaign for home builders & remodelers.

And in this episode of the series, we will show you how to set up a roadmap to generate high-quality leads all the way to converting them into an appointment.

Join us as we discuss the best methods of generating high-quality leads in this challenging market! Read/Watch/Listen to this episode now, and get started on creating the perfect campaign that will put more highs-quality leads in your pipeline!

Builder Lead Converter ATTRACTS, CAPTURES & CONVERTS high-quality leads for builders so they can pick & choose their clients & jobs. Find out how at https://www.builderleadconverter.com



 Today on conversations that converts, we are talking about lead generation four builders. Should you advertise, should you do SS e o? How should you get started? We’re gonna go through all the details here in this new five part series called. Lead generation. Let’s get started.


Welcome to Conversations That Convert. Every week we’ll spend about 10 to 15 minutes tackling relevant lead generation marketing and sales topics for remodelers, home improvement companies and home builders conversations. That Convert is brought to you by Builder, lead Converter, your perfect sales assistant.


And now here’s Rick and Diana. Welcome to Conversations that Converts everyone. Hello Diana. How are you? Good. Very good. Welcome everybody. And you, how about you? It’s very warm here today. Very, very warm. So it’s a great day to be inside and enjoy the air conditioning. Same here. Yes, same here. It is that the heat of summer.


But with that said, our topic today I think is just as hot as the weather outside. What are we talking about today, Diana? Today we start a a new series and we will talk about the lead generation for builders, how to advertise ss e o, where should the builders start? That’s exactly right. This is all based on normally a conversation I have day in and day out with builders who want to engage in a marketing plan.


But they really have no idea where to start. So we have put together a five part series that will chronicle in chronological order what you need to do in order, and some of the things that you make need to make sure that you have as part of your plan, but also some of the things that you should avoid.


So this is a brand new series called Lead Generation for Builders. We just wrapped up another series called Digital Lead Generation for Builders. That’s where we got into really some of the nuances of. Of tracking and capturing online leads. This will encompass everything online and offline, and it’s really just focusing on.


How do you as a builder really start a program from scratch? Let’s say you’ve never done this before. Where should you start? What should you do next? So on and, and so forth. So I’m excited about this because again, it is a topic where there’s so many questions for it. And there’s also I, you know, there’s a lot of heartache with this too, Diana, because you see a lot of builders that they’ll run in, say with an advertising agency and say, oh, you need to advertise here, or you need to do this, and they’ll spend thousands of dollars on this, and then they.


There’s no results. There’s absolutely nothing. And so I, it really breaks my heart to see that how more often than not, and I would say most of the time, actually, this is done incorrectly. So I’m very excited to to give some, some tips and tricks. Any thoughts, Diana, before we, we jump in? I’m, I’m also curious, I’m looking forward to get started.


Alright, so let’s go back and remind everyone. The number one marketing challenge according to the Association of Professional Builders, state of the Residential Construction Industry Survey. So this was a thousand builders that were surveyed between Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The number one marketing challenge was high quality leads.


So that’s the thing we’ve been sticking on for a while. We are going to stay here because there’s so much to this and there’s also so many people that make. Mistakes or there’s a lot of bad advice out there too. So we’re gonna again, walk you through what the proper way to do this so that you can develop a lead generation system that will run constantly.


It will deliver high quality leads, it will keep your pipeline full so you can keep your business growing, both in revenue and profitability. All right. So Diana, should we jump in? Let’s jump in. So this is part one of five. We’re calling this setting up your Roadmap. So Diana, here’s a question. If I want to get to a certain destination, should I just jump in my car and start driving and hope I get there?


Or do you think it’d be a good idea to have a map? Either way? I think it’s, it’s worth trying, right? Yeah. How many times do we, do we do that when we embark on a new initiative for our company? If we just jump in, we say, I’m just gonna throw some mud at the wall and hopefully it sticks. Well, if you think about this, if when you are go trying to get to a destination, In your car and you’re gonna be traveling over many miles, there’s always a map, right?


And in the old days, we pulled out a paper map and, you know, mapped out our roots and took notes and highlighted things on the paper. Today we pop in, pop in the address to our, our G P s and then off, off we go. But there’s always a map, there’s always a, a trail, and there’s always a best way to get there.


And then of course, the map will tell us, well, if you go this direction, Add this much to your drive time, or if you go this direction, add this much to your drive time, and then it might tell us when you’re going this direction, there’s a car accident. Okay, there’s a backup. Do you want to deviate from your plan because that’s exactly what we are doing here as well.


We are going to start by setting up your roadmap for generating leads and moving them from acquiring that lead all the way into your sales process where you will convert them into a, a, a customer or client. So we’re gonna go start with going through some of the components of this roadmap. So you, when you’re along that journey, if you get deviated, we’re gonna have options for that.


But we know that this is the, this is the destination. This is where we are right now. We need to get there. And it probably isn’t gonna be a straight line. We’re probably going to deviate, which your map should have options to do that because one of the things we’ll talk about when we learn is that what you think is going to work oftentimes.


Doesn’t work and you have to deviate. You have to pivot. So the last part of this, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll talk about of this series is really what’s called measuring the effectiveness of your lead generation and understanding where you should be from your K P I or key performance indicators and how to make sure that your ads and your map are working as best as they should.


So what do you say, Diana? Should we, should we move into what is, should be on your roadmap? Yes, I’m, I’m so curious because I’m tempted to say that let’s jump in and without the roadmap, but now let’s see how it is with the roadmap. Let’s, let’s start with that, right? The first thing our map needs to include is your offer.


And so let me explain what that offer is. Your offer answers the question, why would a lead engage your company? So your offer is obviously written to the benefit. Of your lead, it has to give them something where they would say, this is such a compelling offer. This is a no-brainer. Why would I not do that?


So it’s that irresistible offer. And as we’ve discussed in this industry, those offers are usually based around design, pricing, and location. Those are the three main questions that every, every lead has. So your offer should include one of those three components but again, Why would they say no? Again, and that’s where we talked about a opt-in or permission-based relationship where they’re giving you permission to follow up with them in exchange for something of value to them.


So your offer obviously needs to be something of, of value for them. Any thoughts, Diana? I. Yes, I’m, I’m, I’m more, actually, I’m I’m amazed that you didn’t ask me about those three, three points. Yes, I know you finally learned it, right? I should have gone back and said, what are they, Diana? But yes. Good. All right, so next part of your plan or your roadmap would include a follow up plan.


So a follow-up plan, obviously you say, well, I get a lead, I just follow up. No, that’s not how a follow-up plan works. There’s several questions we have to answer in your follow-up plan. So question number one is who will follow up? So is it you as the company owner? Do you have a sales person? Is there an office administrator that will follow up?


So we need to understand who will do that initial follow up. The next question we need to understand is how will they follow up? You should have multiple mediums that we are using. We’re not gonna get into ’em here. We did go through a lot of those in, in previous episodes, but how will they follow up again?


What’s the number one mistake that you, you make in your follow-up plan is you’re not using numerous mediums to do your your alright. Number three, when, when will they follow up? Certain times of the day, certain days of the week are much better for following up and we also have to understand this. How quickly do we need to follow up?


Right Diana? How we’ve talked about that. And in fact, here’s a question for you. How soon should I follow up with the new lead? So I can say let’s say 24 hours no more. Yeah, she’s setting me up. She knows the answer, but yeah, 24 hours is way too short. Ideally when you follow up with a new lead, they’re still on your website, so we’re talking within a minute.


But no later than five minutes from when you received that lead. So obviously, There’s, unless you have somebody literally sitting by a computer and all they are doing with i, i is lead follow up, you need to automate parts of this, if not all of it. And, and so having an automated follow up plan is very, very typical.


So when they follow up too, you know, different types of follow up can be done at different types of, of the day. So you can send an email at three o’clock in the morning, that’s fine, but you probably shouldn’t call. Or send a text at three o’clock in the morning. So you need to understand your medium and set those parameters of when they should be done.


A lot of people too, you know, when you follow up with them you, you find certain days of the week that’ll work better for you certain times of the day. You know, one of the things that we find for follow up, it’s very effective is Friday mornings. Friday mornings and Saturday mornings are great for doing follow up.


And what seems to work the best during those times is a text. Is just something they oftentimes are responsive. It’s a lighter day for work and typically it’s before the weekend schedule has begun. If I’m, if I’m reaching out on Saturday morning, all right, Diana, next, if then plan, and you’re probably saying what on earth is an if then plan.


So an if then plan is just a fancy way of saying if the lead does or doesn’t do this. Then we will do this or not do this. So this is, again, normally automated. But what we are doing is we are always measuring, we’re always looking for engagement or lack of engagement. So when we get engagement, we have a plan that says, then we start doing this and we stop doing this, and we start doing this.


Once we get engagement, if we go for a long periods of time, not getting an engagement, then we shift into something else. You know, it’s whatever we’re doing is, is not working. So an if then plan is always automated it’s always going to really have a good idea of what the lead has or hasn’t done.


And if they haven’t done what you want them to do, which of course is engage you or respond to a follow up book, a call then you have to try some, some, some different things. So that’s an if then plan. Any thoughts on that, Diana? I like that. So you, you make some conditions and then if they apply that, it’s like setting some boundaries and if they do some things and then the clear boundaries are there, then they will receive something, right?


Exactly. Yep. And, and again, my offer, and if my first offer doesn’t work, I do another offer. If that offer doesn’t work, I do a different offer. So again, I’m always looking for what is that compelling offer that my lead is most interested in. I don’t know that yet. I can, I can try some things based on how they have engaged with me so far, but if those don’t work, we gotta shift gears and that’s what an if then plan does.


Alright. And the final part of your roadmap would include database management. So here’s a huge mistake I see a lot of builders making is they have a database, but they really, they treat everyone the same. It’s like they’re unsold. Or they’re sold. So database management is really understanding where each contact is in the journey of going from a lead to a client.


So some things that you would that you would segment inside your, your database would be those leads that engage, as we just talked about. Those would be segmented. The leads that do not engage. Would be segmented. And what I mean by marketing segmentation is, is simply this, is that my messaging changes based on the segment of my database.


So that’s where database management comes in. You need to have multiple segments and be doing different things based on what those segments are. So managing sold clients because hey, that’s a great time to start getting referrals. So I need to be treating them differently. I, yes, I’m fulfilling building their home or the remodeling project, but I should also be engaging them and getting feedback and getting referrals and getting reviews and getting those posted online.


So again, segmentation. And then once your clients are closed and it’s after sale segmentation. So how should I manage those past customers? How do I stay top of mind with them so they continue to refer people to me? Maybe you are a remodeler or a specialty remodeler, and you wanna get that second or third or fourth job, so you need to continue to engage them.


And you do that through marketing segmentation. So that is the last component of your roadmap. So let’s just review. Your roadmap includes your offer. It includes your follow up plan. It includes an if then plan, it includes your database management. Final thoughts, Diana? Well, I think it’s very clear and all you have to do is to just follow the map and if there you will arrive at the end of the road exactly know where your destination is, follow the map, and also have detours on the map.


Yeah, based on where the, what the lead does or does not do. So very, very, very important. So if you would like to help us, help you, or if you would like to have us help you design your own roadmap, schedule your strategy, call today and find out how we can help you attract, capture, and convert high quality leads.


So, You can pick and choose your clients and jobs. And for my brothers and sisters in Christ, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Always. We will see you next time on Conversations That Convert. Bye everyone. Take care.



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