Want More High Quality Leads? TRY THIS
Want More High Quality Leads?

If you could record every site visit or initial new home consultation you’ve had, could you tell why you were able to convert some leads but not others?

Converting new home and remodeling leads is all about small commitments. When you get them the sale moves forward. Miss them and you’re following-up like mad to recapture the lead.

So if you’ve ever asked yourself “What’s the best way to quickly get a commitment from my leads?” then this episode is for you!

We’ll share a simple 3-step formula you can use to get a “yes!” in 30 minutes or less. Read/Watch/Listen to this episode below!

Builder Lead Converter captures & converts leads for home builders & remodelers so they can grow sales revenue and margins. Find out how at https://www.builderleadconverter.com



Rick:  Today on Conversations that Convert, we’re gonna be answering the question, what is the best and fastest way to get a commitment from a new lead quickly? Let’s get started.

Welcome to Conversations That Convert. Every week we’ll spend about 10 to 15 minutes tackling relevant lead generation, marketing, and sales topics for remodelers, home improvement companies, and home builders. Conversations That Convert is brought to you by Builder Lead Converter, your perfect sales assistant. And now here’s Rick and Daiana. 

Rick:  Welcome to Conversations That Convert everyone. Daiana, how are you today? 

Daiana: I’m doing great. Thank you. Welcome everybody. Good to see you again. 

Rick:  And before we get started, you have to explain what you were wearing cuz it’s absolutely beautiful. I already made a comment on it, but what, is it and where is it from?

Daiana: Well, thank you. It’s a specific, specific Hungarian blouse, and it’s handmade by, it’s made by a very old lady who did that with her hands. 

Rick:  Well, that’s beautiful. It’s,

Daiana: Thank you. 

Rick:  It’s beautiful and very festive for the holidays, which we are in right now. 

Daiana: Green, I’m like an elf. Prepared. 

Rick:  You are like an elf. Yes. We just gotta get you the pointy hat, don’t we? 

Daiana: To prepare to be Santa’s help.

Rick:  Santa’s helper. Exactly. Yeah. So what are we talking about today, Daiana? 

Daiana: So today, what’s the best way to get a quick commitment from a new lead? 

Rick:  Yes. 

Daiana: And this is also part of our series Builders asks.

Rick:  Exactly. This a very common question. You know, this is a series where we’re, we’re, we’re dealing with the most common questions as it relates to lead generation, marketing, sales, and sales management, and this is something that’s very common that every builder goes through, they have a lead, they get into a conversation with them and they don’t wanna waste their time. They wanna make sure that this is the right lead for them and they wanna go to the next step with them in their sales process.

And the challenge that we have is, is how we make sure we’re number, not only working with the right people but that we don’t put a bunch of time into working with the wrong lead. and then find out that we, they went someplace else. They didn’t get the job. So today we’re gonna walk through this. This is gonna be a really quick one, but this is just a super, super important topic, as it relates to your sales process and getting that quick commitment. So we say, should we get started?

Daiana: Yes. Let’s go ahead and get started. 

Rick:  I think the first place to start is we have to put ourselves in the shoes of our leads, and we under, need to understand their mentality, and every lead has two basic questions, and all of us are really consumers. When we go make a large purchase, we have two basic questions. So those questions are, what can I get and how much will it cost? The challenge in our industry is that somebody is either looking at their home or they’re trying to think of this new home they want to build. They cannot visualize what that will look like. They look at their kitchen and they know they know they don’t like it. They know they wanna change it, but they can’t visualize what it’ll look like.

Or they know they would like to buy a new home and they have some ideas of what, you know, what that new home will look like. But they can’t really visualize it. So that’s where the, what can I get question comes in. Everyone always starts there, which is why design and design ideas are such a popular lead magnet, you know, for all of your prospective clients. The second question, of course, is how much will it cost? So these are the two questions that the lead wants to get answered, and they’re gonna ask you right away without necessarily asking them directly, but that’s what they’re looking for from you. Any thoughts, Daiana? 

Daiana: Yeah, so I think it’s important to offer them like a roadmap to visual visuals to see what they can get and at least stages, and then a range of the cost. So, so that they are, prepared for the final offer. 

Rick:  Yeah. Exactly. You’re exactly right. And, so what we are going to do, Is we will answer their two questions without actually answering their questions. 

Daiana: I like that. 

Rick:  Yeah. So again, I sound like a politician. I realize that and I don’t want you to sound like a politician with your leads, but I want you to understand this is what you’re going to do, and most importantly, what you’re not going to do. Do not directly try to figure out their design or directly try to pinpoint their pricing right away because inevitably you have an established value, most likely, you maybe even haven’t established trust yet. So if you do that too quickly, they’re going to say, Hmm, that seems really high. I’m gonna go find a different builder. So we have to give them the answers they’re looking for, but without actually answering the question. And here’s what I mean by that. How do they find out what they can get?

And how do they actually get a price? So if you’re a builder, you’re thinking like, oh, right now, well, I can’t price something now, or I don’t have a plan. That’s true. You don’t have a plan, you don’t have specifications, and you don’t have selections. So you’re right. You can’t price anything, so really, how do you get a plan and how do you get a price? Well, what you do is you shift over to their process. So in other words, in order for me, Daiana, as a builder to tell you as my lead what you can get and how much it will cost. We have to follow a specific process, and that process will provide the answers that you are looking for. What do you think about that, Daiana?

Daiana: I think it’s very interesting and I, I still want to know how you answer without answering. 

Rick:  I will tell you how to do, how we do that, with, at the end of our show here today, but it’s a very good question and, there are very specific questions you have to ask in order to be able to position yourself where the lead wants to know more. But yeah, you’re gonna shift over to your, to your process, your process will give them the information that they need. Now, the mistake that builders make is they just jump right into it. So the lead asks a question, Hey, how does this work? You know, as far as we’re modeling things like that, as soon as you start there, you’ve lost, what do you think it’s gonna cost? Here’s my floor plan. Can I get a price on this? If you go down that rabbit hole, you will lose.

So case in point is you have to take control of the conversation and you have to say, I. It’s a great question. I’m gonna happily get you that information. Can I ask you a couple of things first before I, I get to that? And they’re gonna say, sure. And then that allows you to start going through your process. Now after you have gone through your process. This is the important one. It’s, it’s really where you’re gonna say, Hey, Daiana, I’m very confident that the project that you’ve described to me that would be a good fit for you as a builder. Would you consider partnering with us in order to remodel your home or build your home? And now I’m gonna shut up. Cuz as soon as they say sure or yes, I think we would consider partnering with you.

When they’ve done that, you have a commitment. And now once they say yes, we would consider partnering with you, Rick. The next thing that they’re thinking of is what’s the next step? Now what they’ve done is they understand they need to follow your process in order to find out what they can get, their design and how much it’s gonna cost, ultimately their, their price. You know, final thoughts, Daiana? 

Daiana: So first you need to get their commitment, their approval, and then you move to the next steps.

Rick:  Exactly, you’d never move to the next steps without asking them if would they consider partnering with you. And partnering is the important terminology here because of course this is a partnership. You know, you’re gonna collaborate together. It’s typically builder-homeowner or prospective homeowner, as well as some sort of a design team, architectural designer, and interior designer to get that project with, with, done. So we’re really focusing on designing and building. The first step is designing. Then we price, then we build, obviously. And so that’s the process that every builder has to follow. We just have to make sure the homeowner is on board as well, or the prospective homeowner once they say, yeah, I would consider hiring you.

Now they’re looking to you as their professional. You know, now you’re the remodeler or you’re their home builder of choice. The good news is to answer your question, what? How do I exactly do this? I’ve put together a tutorial. It’s absolutely free. It’s called a three-step Formula for getting your Prospects to commit to you in 30 minutes or less. It will include all the scripts to use with your leads to get that verbal commitment. So the questions you ask, how you would respond to those questions based on how they respond. And to move them towards saying, yeah, I would consider you or, sure, what’s the next step? Where you again can get that commitment and move forward in your sales process. So that’s it for today. I hope this was helpful.

The link to download that will be right below this tutorial. For my brothers and sisters in Christ may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Always. We will see you next time on Conversations that Convert.


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